
I had planned to do a couple of runs a few days ago. Well over halfway done with an 8-week running program, the kids’ spring break demolished my carefully laid plans to workout. I used to run all the time. Over a decade ago, I ran multiple times per week and cross trained with bootcamp style workouts, and regularly ran 5-10k races working my way up to a one and only marathon.

Much of my writing here early on was fueled by run-induced endorphins. Epiphanies and life lessons paralleled my running progress. Running now, it’s as if no time has passed (with the exception of my feet – they are far more comfy in better shoes – thank you HOKA!) Nature provides so much solace and running has once again become a moving meditation.

In a word – heaven.

The trails near where we live offer lots of opportunities to get lost in the hills and absorb all the goodness of the run.

Wrapping up my time and about to head back home, I was stopped dead in my tracks by not one, but TWO butterflies flitting around a couple of trees. Standing still, I was able to snap a few thousand pics of which about 4 were actually good. Universe winks are thrilling, and butterflies and seagulls seem to be the most frequent channel into which I tune.

Working at and for fitness is a damn gift. Overwhelmed by gratitude, I took a moment to breathe it all in.

I get to do this.

There may come a day when I won’t get to run, but today is not that day. I can’t wait until the next one!

What do you think?