
Like most folks, I wear many hats: writer, mother (of two kids), wife, dog lover, fitness and nutrition enthusiast, teacher, just to name a few! I’m passionate about many things and love the feel-good, the funny, the authentic, and the vulnerable stuff of life.

In one year, I lost 50lbs and ran a marathon and completely changed my life. This blog began when that journey did. Now it’s beyond – after the after picture. I remain focused on living a healthy and sober lifestyle and paying forward the gifts I was given. We are enjoying our best life in sunny Southern California and… I have curly hair.

7 responses to “About”

  1. Spooky. I run, I write and I have curly hair. I make my kids play with each other though! 😉


  2. Thanks for the like! I look forward to coming back and reading more!


  3. Of course! Loved your post. Thanks for stopping by!


  4. Hi Lori!

    I just finished checking out your blog and wanted to see if you might be interested in collaborating on something. If you’d like to discuss, just send me an email when you have a chance!



  5. We curly haired folks should stick together. No-one else understands! 🙂


    1. YES! I figure the more we help educate each other, the better! Love good products!


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